Chiropractor Treatment for Sciatica & Lower Back Pain

Sciatica Treatment in Boulder, CO

What is Sciatic Pain?

Sciatic pain is a low back condition that causes pain to radiate from the gluteal area down the back of on or both legs. Low back and leg pain are most commonly related to irritation, bulging, or herniation of a lumbar disc and the corresponding nerve root the disc may be compressing. When the nerve is compressed and irritated, pain is felt in the corresponding muscles and areas of the body that the nerve innervates. Sciatic pain is usually felt as a constant pain that radiates down one or both legs. The pain can be positional, worse during either sitting or standing positions. Sciatic pain can also make transitional movements, i.e. going from sitting to standing, rolling over in bed, etc, painful. Sciatica Treatment In Boulder, CO can help alleviate these symptoms effectively.

The term “Sciatica”, by itself, does not constitute a formal diagnosis. It is more a symptom of a structural diagnosis such as lumbar disc herniation, lumbar disc bulge, lumbar spondylosis, lumbar stenosis, of lumbar spondylolisthesis. For a complete review, see the associated pages of these conditions to determine what may be causing your sciatic pain. Sciatica Treatment In Boulder, CO offers comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to manage and treat the underlying causes of sciatic pain with our Sciatic pain specialists.

How we treat it at Boulder Sports Chiropractic...

At Boulder Sports Chiropractic, sciatic pain is most commonly treated with Flexion Distraction therapy. Our chiropractors would use a special table designed specifically to decompress the lumbar spine and take the pressure off of the lumbar disc that is causing compression on the sciatic nerve. By taking the pressure off of the nerve in the low back, your leg symptoms will decrease. The therapy is usually coupled with chiropractic care, physical therapy, and Active Release Technique (ART) on the muscles of the lower back, hip, and leg to further decrease the compression on the sciatic nerve or pinched nerve. If you are suffering from low back pain with associated sciatic pain, Sciatica treatment In Boulder, CO can help. Make an appointment with one of our Sciatic pain specialist to find out how we can help.