5 Exercises to Prevent Ski Injuries

The start of ski season means it is time to dust off the ski gear and hit the slopes! 😃👏🏻

Before you get out on the slopes, it is best to make sure your body is ready to handle the specific stress that your body feels during a long ski day.

Skiing and snow boarding require strength and activation from muscles that are not used in a lot of our typical daily activities. This means that those first months of skiing starts a wave of muscle soreness!

Injury risk is highest in any sport when we start to fatigue. At the start of ski season, the muscles required for all day pain free skiing have typically not been used since the end of last season. This leads to a faster fatigue and higher risk of injury.

To avoid that dreaded muscle soreness, risk of injury, and sluggish skiing, start implementing some strength exercises that are specific to the demands of skiing. Below we have compiled a list of basic exercises that are great for developing specific strength for skiing or snowboarding.

1️⃣ Counterbalance Skater Squats

2️⃣ Skater hops

3️⃣ Bulgarian Split Squats

4️⃣ Single Arm TRX Row

5️⃣ Split Stance Pallof Press

Video sped up x2. Make sure to perform the exercises slow and controlled and with intention.

💥 Focus on knee alignment over foot (avoid knee collapsing inward), maintaining foot tripod, and hip dominant landing mechanics 💥

✨ Remember to always listen to your body ✨

Recovering from and injury? Need guidance with programming your workouts, nailing down proper form, or proper landing mechanics? We can help! We offer specific ski strength workshops and strength programs


At Boulder Sports Chiropractic, we have a staff of Boulder Chiropractors, Boulder Physical Therapist, and Boulder massage therapists to help get you to the slopes stronger and healthier than ever. We use tools like Active Release Technique (ART), Physical Therapy, Strength training, Dry needling, and Laser Therapy to get you healthy ASAP.

Call or email today to schedule an appointment.