Class 4 Laser Therapy for Car Accident Injuries

Whiplash pain relief with laser therapy

The class 4 laser is one of the modalities that we use in the office to help all of our patients, but especially the car accident patients. It is really useful in terms of getting the tissues healing faster, decreasing inflammation and increasing cellular turnover.

The class 4 laser works by using infrared dual wavelength therapy. It is actually stimulating the mitochondria to produce energy quicker than your body does already. The laser does not feel like much, it is going to be nice and warm and soothing. We're not gonna get any muscle twitching like with a muscle stem unit. Patients report feeling nice and calm and relaxed afterwards. 

Another technique that we really like to use in the office is something called an ART or Active Release Technique.

It's a manual therapy technique to restore a range of motion, decrease tissue tightness. We are going to stretch specific muscles out, trying to clear up any adhesions between the connective tissues that might be blocking that full range of motion, creating some pain and discomfort, like headaches.

A third technique that we like to do to restore range of motion is going to be either joint mobilization or a chiropractic adjustment. When tissues get tight, the joints can get stuck and that can also lead to more neck pain on top of all the other injuries sustained through that whiplash or the car accident.

See our video for examples of these treatments.