Runner's Knee Relief with Class 4 Laser Therapy

One of the common injuries we treat in our Boulder office is runner’s knee. We have had numerous successful treatment outcomes in our office by implementing Class 4 Laser Therapy in the treatment plan.

What is Class 4 Laser Therapy?

Runner’s knee (patellofemoral pain syndrome) is a condition that occurs when the tissue between the kneecap and the femur becomes irritated and inflamed. The term ‘runner’s knee’ is not an exact diagnosis, more generally referring to a number of problems that lead to pain around the knee. 

When the knee stabilizing muscles are unbalanced or weakened, the force distribution across the knee is altered and leads to pain. The stress of the imbalance is compounded during or daily activities causing irritation and eventually breakdown of the local muscles, ligaments, and joints.

This imbalance or compensatory knee stabilization pain is increased with loads such as walking stairs or squatting. Repetitive activities such as running or hiking require repetitive knee stabilization with each foot strike and also leads to pain.

Predisposing Factors

  • Tightness in the outside (lateral) knee capsule, IT band, or lateral quad muscle

  • Weakness in the quad muscles or hamstring muscles increases your risk by 5 times

  • Weakness in the hip stabilizing muscles

How Laser Therapy Can Help

Class 4 laser therapy is a soothing medical treatment that uses focused light energy to stimulate a healing response called photobiomodulation. The cells absorb the energy triggering a biological cascade of events that leads to: 

  • an increase in cellular metabolism

  • decrease in pain

  • reduction in muscle spasm 

  • improved microcirculation to injured tissue.

A typical laser therapy treatment for runner’s knee takes about 5-10 minutes to perform. Full resolution of pain can be seen in an average of 12 visits. Resolution of symptoms can be seen quicker in cases that also utilize other offerings in our office such as Physical Therapy for strengthening exercises, Active Release Technique and Dry Needling to decrease muscle tension. 

Physical Therapy for Runner’s Knee

If you are suffering from runner’s knee, it is likely that you need to have a full evaluation performed by our physical therapist to identify the weakness and compensation that triggered your symptoms. In your first appointment you will learn the cause of your symptoms, receive treatment, learn targeted exercises, and have a plan to return to pain free activity. 

Active Release Technique for runner’s knee

Active release technique (ART) is a non-invasive, hands-on diagnostic process of evaluating and treating musculoskeletal problems in the body. ART works by releasing tight and inflamed muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia after injury and overuse. 

ART is a fantastic tool for releasing the tension around your knee and improving pain free range of movement.

Dry Needling for runner’s knee

Dry Needling is a technique that uses acupuncture needles to release tight, stubborn, muscles quickly. Unlike other hands on techniques, the needle can penetrate deeper into tissues to help manually release the muscle and stimulate a healing response.

If you are experiencing the signs or symptoms of runner’s knee, call or email our Boulder office today to start feeling better ASAP.